About me

Wilene Dunn, entrepreneur, innovator, and author focused on encouraging others to follow their dreams with professional and personal coaching, power statement creation and affirmative action. Wilene will help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results.

She is a supportive friend and a trusted adviser rolled into one. She will help you to identify your goals, hold you accountable and provide encouragement throughout your journey to become a better version of yourself. Ask the right questions, communicate effectively and get to the heart of your needs and desires in life.

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About me

Wilene Dunn, entrepreneur, innovator, and author focused on encouraging others to follow their dreams with professional and personal coaching, power statement creation and affirmative action. Wilene will help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results.

She is a supportive friend and a trusted adviser rolled into one. She will help you to identify your goals, hold you accountable and provide encouragement throughout your journey to become a better version of yourself. Ask the right questions, communicate effectively and get to the heart of your needs and desires in life.

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Why Am I Here

Being Happy

Figure out your values and align your life to them.

Fulfilling Potential

Overcome roadblocks and accomplish goals.

Making Changes

Get over fears and change your job or habits.

Finding Balance

Breathe, relax, and become content with your world.

Guest on Podcast

Writer and Wordsmith Wilene Dunn Demonstrates the Power Behind Words

Author and Business Entrepreneur Wilene Dunn details the importance of our everyday language. Are our words moving us toward our goals or further way? Host Christopher Miller interviews Wilene about the importance of word choice when speaking and manifesting.

Everyday Lessons Every Day

Following Your Creative Impulses with Wilene Dun‪n
Have you ever had the urge to create something? Maybe you’ve got an idea for a book, a song, a play, a work of art or even a charity, organization or a business you want to start. Ever wonder where those ideas come from or if they’re worth pursuing? If yes, you’ll want to hear the everyday lesson that Wilene Dunn learned from The Game of Life and How to Play It, a book that has been around for nearly 100 years and is still relevant today.


SEO from Media

SEO from Media

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and...

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Single Session Coaching

Wilene offers individual one-hour coaching sessions via Phone or Zoom technology that can be scheduled throughout the week during normal business hours. Individual sessions are $125 each. Some weekend hours...
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Single Session Coaching

Business Coaching

Wilene offers individual two-hours strategy sessions via Phone or Zoom technology that can be scheduled throughout the week during normal business hours. Business Strategy sessions are $275 each. Some weekend...
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Business Coaching

Creating Speaking Platform

Keynote speaking is a highly competitive market these days. What must a speaker do to stand out from the crowd? More detail Through our proven process, participants will learn what...
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Creating Speaking Platform

Building E-Commerce Business

Our business development consulting helps business owners form new ideas for generating more business, better positioning in the market place and expanding money-making ideas. Discover new ways to grow your...
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Building E-Commerce Business

Becoming a Published Author

With our experienced team of editors, cover designers and publicity experts, we have the skills to transform your rough draft into a professional manuscript ready for publishing. More Detail Most...
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Becoming a Published Author

Speaker Assessment

An Initial Consulting Assessment is the process that creates a baseline profile of a speaker and ultimately provides a plan for future development. We review your existing speaking materials and...
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Speaker Assessment