
Getting My Happy Back

As we navigate an increasingly stressful world, it becomes more crucial to understand how our mental landscape shapes our physical experiences. Thoughts, whether positive or negative, can manifest as tangible sensations, sometimes leading to mental or physical pain. “Getting My Happy Back” invites us to explore this intricate relationship, offering invaluable techniques to help us recognize the subtle nuances of our environment and how stress and external factors influence our choices. These techniques are not just tools; they are invitations to engage in a profound dialogue with ourselves.

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ROLLERCOASTER: The Ups and Downs of Life in Poetry

Life is filled with ups and downs. Whether you are experiencing love, loss, have yet to find love or are celebrating life in every way, the poems in this book will speak to you. Written with passion and transparency, It’s a life well lived to go with the ups and downs on life’s rollercoaster and not let it throw you off. It can make you scream, inspire laughter, command tears or call for a good old-fashioned temper tantrum. The key is moving through each turn, loop and straight away embracing every moment and feeling it all. When the speed blows your hair back and tears roll down your cheek,through it all, you must keep your seat!I have my anchors, those wonderful, co-creative human beings who hold on and scream with me while experiencing their own rollercoaster rides. What more could I want than to ride through life with those who embrace the journey with me? Up and down, up and down.When you arrive on planet earth with all its strifeyou’re literally here for the ride of your life!

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Butterflies and Flower Petals

When you pray do you know what to say? Do you wonder how God hears your prayers and what happens to those precious feelings, joys, tears, happiness, and sorrows? Butterflies and Flower Petals gives you an idea of what a kind God would do with those prayers that come from our heart.

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Raindrops & Lightening Bugs

When we pray to God, we wonder what he does with our prayers. We ask and it is given to us. He hears our sadness, our joys and everything we want. He wants to provide all we enjoy in abundance.

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Wilene Dunn has written and published 2 two children’s books and a poetry book personally and now offers education and professional support for authors to complete their book projects and get published. Currently owns e-commerce businesses